Clark Fork Fly Fishing July

Clark Fork Fly Fishing July

Clark Fork Fly Fishing July – Monday I was back on the water with local angler, Bob. He was looking for a shorter day so we picked a stretch of the Clark Fork near town. I started him off with a dry/dropper rig and it didn’t take long before he had jumping rainbows on the dropper.

The bright sun wasn’t good for the dry fly game although Bob did connect with one solid cuttbow early on the dry. The dropper fishing was very good though with strong rainbows and cuttbows coming out of every run. Eventually we stopped at a little outflow and changed the dropper to work that spot.

On the first cast Bob came tight on a heavy fish that put up a hard fight before hitting the net. It was a gorgeous 20″ rainbow. A few casts later he was battling a thick 18″ cuttbow. 5 fish total came out of that spot before we moved on.

We pulled into a slough further downriver to look for northern pike. I had a pike rod rigged and ready. Bob had a couple follows early on but the fish didn’t seem too fired up. Then I spotted a fish with a little more aggression following the fly.

Bob convinced the fish to eat and then found himself connected to one angry pike. I really enjoy sight fishing to pike, especially on these warm days. Bob hooked one other fish in that slough that spit the fly when it turned back toward the boat.

From there we were back on the trout and the dropper fishing was solid the rest of the day. Lots of nice rainbows and cuttbows from 12-17″ with a few in the 18-20″ range. Once it really got hot we clipped off the flies and headed for the ramp. It was another good day on the river.

Early morning cuttbow ready to go - Clark Fork Fly Fishing July
Early morning cuttbow ready to go – Clark Fork Fly Fishing July
Hooked up to a hot trout - Clark Fork Fly Fishing July
Hooked up to a hot trout – Clark Fork Fly Fishing July
Bob with a slab rainbow from a sneaky spot on the Clark Fork Fly Fishing in July
Bob with a slab rainbow from a sneaky spot on the Clark Fork Fly Fishing in July
A short 20 minute pike session paid off with this big girl on the Clark Fork Fly Fishing in July
A short 20 minute pike session paid off with this big girl on the Clark Fork Fly Fishing in July

Clark Fork Fly Fishing July

Tuesday I was able to jump onto the Extravaganza and fished with Greg and Maryn for their third day. They had already done the Bitterroot and Blackfoot so we went to the upper Clark Fork today.

We started with dry/dropper rigs and Greg connected with a hot 16″ rainbow at the end of the first bank. The dropper fishing remained solid. Most of the likely spots were producing healthy bows and cuttbows.

We had a couple of doubles and then when it started to warm up we took a break to cool off and wade fish a side channel. Greg connected with a rainbow and cutthroat in there to finish off a great morning.

The afternoon was a little more challenging at first. The water was fast and it was more difficult to get a good drift, but the fish were willing to eat when the fly was right. Maryn picked up a couple of 15″ bows.

Maryn had a big brown on the dry fly that came unbuttoned. The fishing even held up after the confluence of the Blackfoot. We boated trout in every run, and we finished the day with a double just above the takeout. It was hot and sunny, but Greg and Maryn made the most of it and had plenty of action on the water today.

Greg with a nice cuttbow that survived a previous osprey encounter - Clark Fork Fly Fishing July
Greg with a nice cuttbow that survived a previous osprey encounter – Clark Fork Fly Fishing July
Wading a side channel to cool off and finding a few trout - Clark Fork Fly Fishing July
Wading a side channel to cool off and finding a few trout – Clark Fork Fly Fishing July
Cooling off during the heat of the day - Clark Fork Fly Fishing July
Cooling off during the heat of the day – Clark Fork Fly Fishing July

Clark Fork Fly Fishing July

Wednesday was my last day this trip with Bob. We have made a tradition of chasing northern pike for one day each year, and a bright sunny 100 degree was perfect for that. We launched early on the Clark Fork and motored downstream a couple miles to the first good slough.

The light was still tough to see them that early but we did have a couple follows and one eat in the first spot. We bumped a giant pike in the next spot but never got a good shot at her and saw a couple others that weren’t interested.

The next slough was better as Bob had an explosive eat from a big fish that eventually broke us off in some submerged wood. He connected on another one a few casts later and that one made it to the net along with two others that ate the fly.

The rest of our spots were productive. It is so much fun sight fishing to these big predators. Some of them eat the fly super aggressively while others have to be coaxed into it. They fight hard and still have plenty of attitude left even when they are in the net.

The best fish today was close to 10 pounds. Bob had 3 others that were in the 8 range, a couple of little hammer handles and then a few others that went 5 pounds or so. Sight fishing is one of my favorite things to do and Bob and I always have a blast fishing for northern pike each year.

Always fun hunting these toothy predators - Clark Fork Fly Fishing July
Always fun hunting these toothy predators – Clark Fork Fly Fishing July
Bob hooked up to a solid pike - Clark Fork Fly Fishing July
Bob hooked up to a solid pike – Clark Fork Fly Fishing July
Not happy about coming to the boat - Clark Fork Fly Fishing July
Not happy about coming to the boat – Clark Fork Fly Fishing July
Best fish of the day - Clark Fork Fly Fishing July
Best fish of the day – Clark Fork Fly Fishing July
Another decent pike awaiting release - Clark Fork Fly Fishing July
Another decent pike awaiting release – Clark Fork Fly Fishing July

Clark Fork Fly Fishing July

Thursday I fished with long-time anglers, Marcelo and Constance, and today we were joined by his sister Lenore and brother-in law Joe. We met early for a stretch on the upper Clark Fork. I started Constance off with a dry/dropper and Marcelo with a streamer.

The first fish of the day was a brightly colored 16″ cuttbow on the streamer. Constance hooked several on the dropper but they proved tough to land early before she put a couple decent rainbows in the net.

The streamer action was decent for Marcelo. He had a big fish get away and a few other decent ones. Then he went single dry fly for a while but it was only small fish looking up, and once that dried up he eventually switched to a dry/dropper too.

It certainly wasn’t easy today in the heat and bright sun. We had to work for every opportunity, and the fast water seemed to be best. After going to the dropper Marcelo connected on a handful of nice rainbows.

Constance doubled up with him once and boated a few other fish too. By 2 pm it was hot out, the water temps were warm and we decided to push to the takeout.

Joe and Lenore had a good time today too, they each boated some nice cutts and rainbows and we all enjoyed having the stretch of river entirely to ourselves.

Pretty morning on the Clark Fork - Clark Fork Fly Fishing July
Pretty morning on the Clark Fork – Clark Fork Fly Fishing July
Marcelo hooked up on foot - Clark Fork Fly Fishing July
Marcelo hooked up on foot – Clark Fork Fly Fishing July
Constance battling a feisty rainbow - Clark Fork Fly Fishing July
Constance battling a feisty rainbow – Clark Fork Fly Fishing July
Joe hooked up in a side channel - Clark Fork Fly Fishing July
Joe hooked up in a side channel – Clark Fork Fly Fishing July

Clark Fork Fly Fishing July

The weather has been hot in Missoula and the rivers are dropping. We have moved to early meet times to beat the heat and fish when water temps are acceptable. We will likely see Hoot Owl fishing restrictions soon when the rivers close to fishing after 2 pm.

It has been a few years since we have seen restrictions, but we have dealt with them in the past. We just get up earlier, fight trout quickly, and get them released immediately.

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Tight Lines,

Tony Reinhardt
Montana Trout Outfitters